Natuurkundig Gezelschap te Utrecht

Jaarprogramma 2010-2011 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home

Dinsdag 1 maart 2011
Dr. M. Leunissen (AMOLF)

Strong control through weak bonds: steering the self-organization of soft systems

The past decade has seen a dramatic advancement in the programmability of interactions between micro- and nanoparticles through the use of designer DNA 'sticky ends'. Sticky ends with complementary nucleotide sequences -according to the Watson-Crick base pairing rules- form weak, non-covalent links between the particles, which are highly specific and thermally reversible. In addition, one can easily vary the length and flexibility of these bonds. In this presentation, I will highlight the unique properties of such specific ('ligand-receptor-like') interactions and I will sketch the exciting new opportunities that these interactions offer for the creation of microstructured and biologically inspired self-organizing materials with special properties.


Jaarprogramma 2010-2011 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home

De vergaderingen worden gehouden in zaal 208 (Zonnezaal) of zaal 211 (Planetenzaal) van het Minnaertgebouw, De Uithof (te bereiken via de ingang van het Buys Ballotlaboratorium, Princetonplein 5). De aanvang is telkens om 20.00 uur, de vergaderingen duren inclusief een pauze tot uiterlijk 22.00 uur.