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Preliminary program      (Download program)

Monday 14/12/2015

morning (30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per talk)

Mesoscopics/graphene/topological insulators

09:30-10:10   Laurens Molenkamp

                    Topological Superconductivity in HgTe-based Devices

10:10-10:50   Vladimir Juricic

                    Space group classification of topological insulators and lattice

                    dislocation modes

10:50-11:20   Coffee break

11:20-12:00   Ivan Protopopov

                    Bose-Fermi duality in coherent dynamics and relaxation in

                    dispersive Luttinger liquids

12:00-12:40   Michael Wimmer

                    Quantum Spin Hall insulators in in-plane magnetic fields


lunch (12.40-14.00)


afternoon (30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per talk)

Low-dimensional systems

14:00-14:40   Christoph Stampfer

                    Coupling of Vibrations to Spin States in Carbon-Nanotube

                    Quantum Dots

14:40-15:20   Rianne van den Berg

                    Atomic Spin Chain Realization of a Model for
                    Quantum Criticality

15:20-16:40   Coffee break/poster session

16:40-17:20   Tero Heikkilä

                    Coupling charge, spin and heat transport in superconductors

                    with a spin splitting field

17:20-18:00   Jürgen König

                    Quantum-Dot Spintronics


Tuesday 15/12/2015

morning (30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per talk)

Phonons, magnons and coupled spin-heat transport

09:30-10:10   Ludo Cornelissen

                    Exchange magnon spintronics: Diffusive spin currents in a

                    magnetic insulator

10:10-10:50   Fabian Heidrich-Meisner

                    Spin transport in quantum magnets

10:50-11:20   Coffee break

11:20-12:00   Maarten Wegewijs

                    Heat current relaxation in interacting quantum dots: surprises

                    and a new duality

12:00-12:40   Mikhail Titov

                    Anomalous Hall effect due to skew scattering on rare impurity



lunch (12.40-14.00)


afternoon (30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per talk)

Ultracold atoms

14:00-14:40   Tilman Esslinger

                    Quantum Simulation of a Point Contact

14:40-15:20   Ludwig Mathey

                    Probing superfluidity via laser stirring

15:20-15:50   Coffee break

15:50-16:30   Austen Lamacraft

                    Persistent currents in ferromagnetic condensates

16:30-17:10   Carlos Sa de Melo

                    Effects of spin-orbit on the BKT transition and the vortex

                    -antivortex structure in 2D Fermi gases


Dinner, from 6pm


Wednesday 16/12/2015

morning (30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per talk)

Correlated matter and AdS/CFT

09:30-10:10   Dirk van der Marel

                    Viscosity in Electron Liquids

10:10-10:50   Joe Bhaseen

                    Holographic Approaches to Quantum Transport

10:50-11:20   Coffee break

11:20-12:00   Vivian Jacobs

                    Conductivity of interacting Dirac and Weyl semimetals from


12:00-12:40   Jan Zaanen

                    Strange metals, entanglement and black holes


lunch (12.40-14.00)