Faculty of Science - Department of Biology Universiteit Utrecht

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List of Publications by Marinus J. SOMMEIJER

Updated 08-Aug-2023

  1. Sommeijer, M.J. and Velthuis, H.H.W. (1969). The acceptance of queens without mandibular glands after artificial insemination. Proc. XXII Int. Apimondia Congr., Munchen 1969: 574-577

  2. Sommeijer, M.J. and Velthuis, H.H.W. (1970). Kunstmatige Inseminatie, historische ontwikkeling en enkele recente toepassingen bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek. (Artificial insemination, historic development and some recent applications in scientific research. In Dutch). Maandschr. Bijenteelt.

  3. Velthuis, H.H.W and Sommeijer, M.J. (1970). Einige Modifikationen in der instrumentellen Besamung von Bienenkoniginnen. (Some modifications in the artificial insemination of queen bees. In German; summary in French). Apidologie 1(3): 343-346

  4. Sommeijer, M.J. (1971). Mezen en Insekten. De betekenis van mezen bij de bestrijding van schadelijke insekten in de boomgaard. (Birds and Insects. The importance of birds, ( Parus spp.) for the control of insect pests in apple orchards. In Dutch). De Fruitteelt 12: 1196-1199

  5. Sommeijer, M.J. (1972). Intermediate Report on Investigations on the presence of the W.I. fruitfly, Anastrepha mombinpraeoptans in Barbados, St. Vincent and Grenada. CPPC Quart. rep., FAO, Trinidad, Vol. V (3): 6-10

  6. Sommeijer, M.J. (1974). The distribution of some important insect pests in the Eastern Caribbean. Proc. "Crop Protection in the Caribbean" Symposium Crop Science Dept., University of the West Indies, April 1974,Trinidad: 275-285

  7. Bennett, F.D., Yaseen, M., Beg, M.N. and Sommeijer, M.J. (1975). Anastrepha spp.. Investigations on their natural enemies and establishment of Biosterus longicaudatus in Trinidad, West Indies. Report Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Curepe, Trinidad: 13 pp.

  8. Sommeijer, M.J. (1975). Anastrepha bahiensis in Trinidad. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 23 (1): 26-27

  9. Sommeijer, M.J. (1975). A cossid attacking citrus and other fruit trees. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 23(2): 53-54

  10. Sommeijer, M.J. (1975). Rice water-weevils on rice in Haiti. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 23 (5): 161-162

  11. Sommeijer, M.J. (1975). Investigations on the occurrence of the West-Indian fruitfly in the Lesser Antilles and Trinidad. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 23 (6): 185-188

  12. Sommeijer, M.J. et al. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia/FAO/PNUD Nicaragua) (1976). Guia de control integrado de plagas de maiz, sorgo y frijol.Primera Edicion, MAG/FAO/PNUD Managua: 47 pp.Segunda Edicion, MAG/FAO/PNUD Managua: 62 pp.

  13. Sommeijer, M.J. (1977). The bean-pod weevil, an important bean pest in Nicaragua. FAO Plant Prot. Bull. Vol. 25(1): 38-40

  14. Sommeijer, M.J. and Velthuis, H.H.W. (1977). Worker oviposition in orphan colonies of Melipona favosa . Proc. VIIIth Int. Congr. I.U.S.S.I. Wageningen, 1977: 315-316

  15. Sommeijer et al. (Instituto Nicaraguense de Tecnologia Agropecuaria/FAO Nicaragua) (1978). Guia de Control Integrado de Plagas en Frijol, INTA, FAO, Managua, Nicaragua: 26 pp.

  16. Sommeijer, M.J. (1979). Some aspects of the behaviour of the queen and workers of Melipona favosa (F): Individual behaviour of workers involved in broodcell construction and provisioning. C.R. UIEIS-Lausanne: 114-116

  17. Sommeijer, M.J. et al. (Instituto Nicaraguense de Tecnologia Agropecuaria/FAO Nicaragua) (1979). Guía de Control Integrado de Plagas en Maiz y Sorgo, INTA, FAO, Managua, Nicaragua: 44 pp.

  18. Sommeijer, M.J. (1981). Le comportement social de Melipona favosa : quelques aspects de l'activite de la reine a l'interieur du nid. C.R. UIEIS-Toulouse: 114-116

  19. Sommeijer, M.J., Beuvens, F.T. and Verbeek, H.J. (1982). Distribution of labour among workers of Melipona favosa : construction and provisioning of brood cells. Insectes Sociaux, 29 (2): 222-237

  20. Sommeijer, M.J. (1982a). Division of labor and social food flow in the stingless bee Melipona favosa (F). In: M.D. Breed et al. (Ed), the Biology of Social Insects. Westview, Boulder: p. 255

  21. Sommeijer, M.J. (1982b). Social behavior of stingless bees: queenworker co-actions with regard to the regulation of broodcell provisioning and oviposition behavior. Proc. II European Congr. of Entomology, Kiel.

  22. Sommeijer, M.J. (1982c). The adaptive significance of the rhythmic oviposition process of stingless bees. C.R. UIEIS-Section Française, Barcelona, "La communication chez les sociétés d' insects": 183-194.

  23. Sommeijer, M.J., De Rooy, G.A., Punt, W.A. and de Bruijn, L.L.M. (1983). Comparative study of foraging behavior and pollen resources of various stingless bees (Hym., Meliponinae) and honeybees (Hym., Apinae) in Trinidad, West-Indies. Apidologie 14(3): 205-224

  24. Sommeijer, M.J. (1983). Social mechanisms in stingless bees. Proefschrift (PhD Thesis).Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht (University of Utrecht): pp. 147.

  25. Sommeijer, M.J., Dohmen, M.R. and van Zeijl, M. (1984). Morphological differences between worker-laid eggs from a queenright colony and a queenless colony of Melipona rufiventris paraensis. Entomol. Berichten 44: 91-95

  26. Sommeijer, M.J. and de Bruijn, L.L.M. (1984). Social behavior of stingless bees: "bee-dances"by workers of the royal court and the rhythmicity of brood cell provisioning and oviposition behavior.Behaviour 89 (3/4): 229-315.

  27. Sommeijer, M.J. (1984). Distribution of labour among workers of M. favosa F.: age-polyethism and worker oviposition. Insectes Sociaux 31 (2): 171-184.

  28. Sommeijer, M.J., Houtekamer, J.L. and Bos, W. (1984). Cell construction and egglaying in Trigona nigra var. paupera PROV. with notes on the adaptive significance of the typical ovipostion behavior of stingless bees. Insectes Sociaux 31(2): 199-217.

  29. Sommeijer, M.J. (1984). Queen-dominance and the condition of worker-laid eggs in the eusocial bee Melipona rufiventris paraensis . Int. Congr. Entomology, Hamburg.

  30. Sommeijer, M.J. (1985). The social behavior of Melipona favosa (F): Some aspects of the activity of the queen in the nest. J. Kansas Entom. Soc. 58(3): 386-396

  31. Sommeijer, M.J., de Bruijn, L.L.M. and van de Guchte, G. (1985). The social food-flow within the colony of a stingless bee Melipona favosa (F). Behaviour 92(1/2): 39-58

  32. Sommeijer, M.J. (1985). Sozialverhalten bei stachellosen Bienen: Konigin-Arbeiterin Interaktionen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Regulation der Proviantierung von der Brutzelle.und Eiablage Mitt. dtsch. Ges. allg. angew. Ent. 4: 323-325

  33. van Buren, N.W.M., Sommeijer, M.J. (1987). Competition and aggression among laying workers of Melipona favosa . Proc. Europ. Entomol. Congr. 1986, Amsterdam: 326.

  34. Sommeijer, M.J., (l987) Sociale Controle bij Angelloze Bijen; Jaarboek Ned. Entomol. Ver. Amsterdam: 24 - 27.

  35. Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) An ethological analysis of intra-colonial competition in relation to reproductive dominance in the stingless bee Melipona favosa , in: J. Eder/H. Rembold, Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects, Peperny Verlag, Muenchen: 559 -560.

  36. Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) Age-polyethism in stingless bees and evidence of flexible individual ontogenetic sequences; in: J. Eder/H. Rembold, Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects, Peperny Verlag, Muenchen: 129 - 130.

  37. D.Koedam, Dohmen, M.R., Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) Chorion formation in queen eggs and worker eggs of Melipona rufiventris . in: J. Eder/H. Rembold, Chemistryand Biology of Social Insects, Peperny Verlag, Muenchen: 720.

  38. Mulder, J., and Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) The direct function of court behaviour in stingless bees. in: J. Eder/H. Rembold, Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects, Peperny Verlag, Muenchen: 719.

  39. Sommeijer, M.J. and de Bruijn, L.L.M. (1987) Melipona trinitatis and Melipona favosa, the only species of the genus Melipona in Trinidad. Living World, London: 34 - 35.

  40. van der Blom, J, and Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) Strategies of reproductive dominance in stingless bees. in: J. Eder/H. Rembold, Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects, Peperny Verlag, Muenchen: 714.

  41. Sommeijer, M.J. (1987) Some aspects of the reproductive behaviour and foraging of stingless bees. Acta Bot. Neerl.: 320 - 321.

  42. Sommeijer, M.J. and de Bruijn, L.L.M. (1988) Melipona trinitatis and Melipona favosa, the only species of the genus Melipona in Trinidad. in: Studies in honour of Pieter Wagenaar Hummelinck, Found. Scient. Research in Surinam and Netherl. Antilles, Amsterdam, 123: 75 - 82.

  43. Veen, J. van, and Sommeijer, M.J. (1988) Analyse de la variation de dominance reproductive des reines individuelles de Myrmica rubra. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 4 : 265-272.

  44. Bootsma M.C., Sommeijer, M.J. and Punt, W. (1988) Etude des resources florales de Melipona trinitatis a quatre localités à Trinidad. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 4 : 295-299.

  45. Buren, N. van, and Sommeijer, M.J. (1988) Etude des facteurs déterminants pour la domination reproductive de la reine de Melipona trinitatis. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 4 : 285-290.

  46. Sommeijer, M.J. and M.C. Bootsma (1988) Melipona trinitatis comme productrice de miel a l' île de Trinidad. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 4 : 291-294.

  47. Sommeijer, M.J. and van Veen, J.W. (1988) "Killerbees" of wonderbijen: een recente visie op de introductie en verspreiding van Afrikaanse honingbijen in tropisch Amerika. Deel 1. Bijenteelt 90 (11): 310-311.

  48. Sommeijer, M.J. and van Veen, J.W. (1989) "Killerbees" of wonderbijen: een recente visie op de introductie en verspreiding van Afrikaanse honingbijen in tropisch Amerika. Deel 2. Bijenteelt 91 (1): 10-12.

  49. Bruijn, L.L.M. de, Sommeijer, M.J. and Dijkstra, E. (1989) Behaviour of workers on waste dumps in the nests of Melipona favosa (Apidae, Meliponini). Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 5: 31 - 37.

  50. Bruijn, L.L.M. de, Sommeijer, M.J. and Leys, R. (1989) Uptake and distribution of nectar and the storage of honey in Melipona favosa (Apidae, Meliponini). Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 5: 39 - 43.

  51. Veen, J.W. van, and M.J. Sommeijer (1990) Tropical beekeeping: the production of males in stingless bees (Melipona). Proc. Exper.& Appl. Entomol., NEV Amsterdam, 1; 171-176.

  52. Sommeijer, M.J., J.W. van Veen & H. Arce, 1990. Beekeeping with Stingless Bees (Apidae, Meliponinae) in the Central America Region, an alternative for the killer bee? AT-Source 18: 23-24.

  53. Sommeijer, M.J. and de Bruijn, L.L.M. (1990) Trophallaxis in the colony of stingless bees. Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India: 653-654.

  54. Sommeijer, M.J. & D. Koedam, (1990) An experimental study of the regulation of broodcell provisioning in Melipona bees. Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India:178.

  55. Velthuis, H.H.W. and Sommeijer, M.J. (1990) A new model for the genetic determination of caste in Melipona. Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India:173.

  56. Sommeijer, M.J., & H. Arce, 1990. Dynamics of broodcell construction in nests of M. beecheii, an economically important stingless bee from Costa Rica. Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India: 667-668.

  57. Bruijn, L.L.M. de, M.J. Sommeijer & L. van Miltenburg (1990) Behaviour of laying workers in a queenright colony of Hypotrigona braunsi (Apidae, Meliponinae). Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., 3: 216 - 221.

  58. Sommeijer, M.J., & W. Minke,1990. Fanning workers during the laying of the queen: a form of chemical communication in the stingless bee Melipona favosa? Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India: 414.

  59. Veen, J.W. van, M.C. Bootsma, H. Arce M.K.I. Hallim and M.J. Sommeijer (1990) Biological limiting factors for the beekeeping with stingless bees in the Caribbean and Central America. Proc. Int. Congr. IUSSI 1990, Bangalore, India:472-473.

  60. Sommeijer, M.J. and Veen, J.W. van (1990) The polygyny of Myrmica rubra: selective oophagy and trophallaxis as mechanisms of reproductive dominance. Entomol. exp. appl. 56: 229-239.

  61. Sommeijer, M.J., J.W. van Veen, and R. Sewmar 1990. The intranidal activity of males of Melipona with some remarks about male production in stingless bees. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 6 : 63-67.

  62. Sommeijer, M.J. & J. van der Blom, 1990. Experimental and Applied Entomology. (Editors), N.E.V., Amsterdam, 198 pp.

  63. Veen, J.W. van, H. Arce and M.J. Sommeijer (1990) Production of males in colonies of Melipona beecheii, Costa Rica. Actes Coll. Insectes Sociaux, 6 : 57 - 62.

  64. Bruijn, L.L.M. de, M.J. van Herk and M.J. Sommeijer (1991) Some observations on flight activity and foraging of workers of the stingless bee Melipona favosa (Apidae, Meliponinae) in a large green house. Acta Horticulturae, 288: 116 - 120.

  65. Sommeijer, M.J. & J. van der Blom, 1991. Editors, Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, 215 pp.

  66. Velthuis, H.H.W. and Sommeijer, M.J. (1991) Roles of Morphogenetic Hormones in Caste Polymorphism in Stingless Bees. in: Morphogenetic Hormones of Arthropodes, Ed. A.P. Gupta, Rutgers Univ. Press: 346 - 383.

  67. Sommeijer, M.J. et al., 1991. Beekeeping in the Tropics. Agrodok 32, Agromisa, Wageningen, 83 pp.

  68. Koedam, D. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. Frequency of worker-oviposition as a function of batch size in Tetragonisca angustula. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., 3: 216 - 221.

  69. Sommeijer, M.J. & J. van der Blom, 1992. Editors, Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, 222 pp.

  70. Veen, J.W. van, & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. De bijen van de Maya's steken nooit. Grasduinen, 2: 34 - 39.

  71. Sommeijer, M.J. & N.W.M. van Buren, 1992. Male production by laying workers in queenright colonies of Melipona facosa (Apidae, Meliponinae). In: Biology and Evolution of Social Insects, J. Billen Editor, 89 - 98. Leuven University Press.

  72. Veen, J.W. van, H. Arce & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. Brood production in Melipona beecheii in relation to dry season foraging. In: Biology and Evolution of Social Insects, J. Billen Editor, 81 - 88. Leuven University Press.

  73. Kolmes, S.A. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. Ergonomics in stingless bees: an experimental study of division of labor in M. favosa. Insectes Sociaux 39 (2): 215-232

  74. Biesmeijer, J.C. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. How to interpret pollen diets of bees? Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., N.E.V. Amsterdam, vol. 3: 210-215

  75. Biesmeijer J.C., Nieuwstads M.G.L. van, Sommeijer M.J. & L.L.M. de Bruijn (1992) Pollen foraging strategies of two domesticated stingless bee species in Costa Rica. 5th IBRA conf. on Tropical bees, Trinidad & Tabago

  76. Kolmes, S.A. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. A quantitative analysis of behavioral specialization among worker stingless bees (Melipona favosa F.) performing hive duties. J. Kansas Entom. Soc. 58 (3): 421-430

  77. Biesmeijer, J.C., B. van Marwijk, K van Deursen, W. Punt & M.J. Sommeijer, 1992. Pollen sources for Apis mellifera (Hym, Apidae) in Surinam, based on pollen grain volume estimates. Apidologie 23 (3): 245 - 256.

  78. Pereboom, J.J.M. & M.J. sommeijer, 1993. Recruitment and flight activity of Melipona favosa, foraging on an artificial food source. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., NEV, Amsterdam, 4: 73 - 78.

  79. Sommeijer, M.J. 1993. Traditional beekeeping with stingless bees in Meso-america. in: Traditional bee management as a basis for beekeeping development in the tropics, Eds. J. Kaal et al., NECTAR, Bennekom: 47-60

  80. Bruijn, L.L.M, M.J. Sommeijer, & J.W.A. van Zuijlen. 1993. Distribution and variation among Melipona favosa favosa (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Caribbean region. Ent. Ber., Amst. 53 (9): 128 - 131.

  81. Aguilar Monge, I., J.W. van Veen & M.J. Sommeijer. 1993. Reproducción en abejas sín aguijón (Apidae: Meliponinae). In: Perspectivas para una apicultura sostenible, (J.W. van Veen & H.G. Arce Arce, Eds.) Memorias del II Cong. Nac. Apicultura, MAG. Emprenta UNA, San José, Costa Rica; 1993.: 15 - 19.

  82. Veen, J.W. van, H.G. Arce Arce & M.J. Sommeijer. 1993. Manejo racional de las abejas sin aguijón Melipona beecheii (Apidae: Meliponinae); 1. Como transferir la colonia de un tronco hueco a una caja. In: Perspectivas para una apicultura sostenible, (J.W. van Veen & H.G. Arce Arce, Eds.) Memorias del II Cong. Nac. Apicultura, MAG. Emprenta UNA, San José, Costa Rica; 1993.: 41 - 45.

  83. Sommeijer, M.J. & J. van der Blom, 1993. Editors, Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Vol. 4, 256 pp.

  84. Biesmeijer, J.C., C. Küpper, L.L.M. de Bruijn, & M.J. Sommeijer, (1993 in press) Specialization of individual Melipona favosa workers (Apidae; Meliponinae), with special reference to foraging, guarding and undertaking.

  85. Koedam, D., I. Aguilar Monge, J.W. van Veen & M.J. Sommeijer. 1993 in press. Estudio preliminar del comportamiento de reinas virgenes en la abeja sin aguijón Melipona favosa F. (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). Mem. reunión entomologica centroamericana, San José, 1992.

  86. Arce Arce, H.G., J.W. van Veen, M.J. Sommeijer and J.F. Ramirez, 1993. Aspectos tecnicos y culturales de la crianza de abejas sin aguijon (Apidae: Meliponinae) en Costa Rica. Mem. reunión entomologica centroamericana, San José, 1992.

  87. Veen, J.W. van, R.A. Ortiz Mora, G. Corrales and M.J. Sommeijer. 1993. Influence of altitude on the distribution of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponinae). Mem. reunión entomologica centroamericana, San José, 1992.

  88. Veen, J.W. van, H.G. Arce Arce and M.J. Sommeijer. 1993. Nest and colony characteristics of log-hived Melipona beecheii (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponinae). Mem. reunión entomologica centroamericana, San José, 1992.

  89. Veen, J.W. van, J.F. Ramirez Arias, G. Corrales, M.J. Sommeijer and H.G. Arce Arce, 1993. Nest and colony characteristics of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae, Meliponinae). Hábitos de nidificación y estructura del nido en colonias de T. angustula ubicadas en Atenas Y Pérez Zeledón. Proc. Proc. I Centroamerican Congr. Biol. Comb. of Plagues and II Costarican Entomol. Congr.

  90. Veen, J.W. van, R.A. Ortiz Mora, G. Corrales and M.J. Sommeijer 1993 in press. Distribución de la subfamilia Meliponinae (Hymenoptera; Apidae) en tres niveles altitudinales de la estribación sur-oeste de la Cordillera de Tilarán, Costa Rica. Proc. I Centroamerican Congr. Biol. Comb. of Plagues and II Costarican Entomol. Congr.

  91. Arce, H.G. , J.W. van Veen and M.J. Sommeijer.1993. Meliponicultura en Costa Rica. Proc. I Centroamerican Congr. Biol. Comb. of Plagues and II Costarican Entomol. Congr.

  92. Sommeijer, M.J., J.C. Biesmeijer and L.L.M. de Bruijn, 1993. PEGONE, a Newsletter for Stingless Bee Research and Meliponiculture. Utrecht University, Social Insects Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 12 pp.

  93. Sommeijer, M.J. and L.L.M. de Bruijn, 1994. Intranidal feeding, trophallaxis and sociality in stingless bees. In: Nourishment and Evolution in Insect Societies, Editor J. Hunt & C. Nalepa, Westview Press: 391 - 418.

  94. Arce, H.G. , J.W. van Veen and M.J. Sommeijer. 1994. Beekeeping with stingless bees (Hymenoptera; Apidae; Meliponinae) in Costa Rica. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 209 - 213.

  95. Biesmeijer J.C. , M.J. van Nieuwstadt, M.J. Sommeijer and L.L.M. de Bruijn. (1994) Pollen foraging strategies of two domesticated stingless bee species in Costa Rica. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 214 - 220.

  96. Bruijn , L.L.M. de and M.J. Sommeijer. (1994) Honey production in stingless bees: Differences in flight activity and foraging between Melipona and Tetragonisca. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 221 - 226.

  97. Hallim, M.K. and M.J. Sommeijer (1994) Beekeeping with Melipona trinitatis and M. favosa in Trinidad. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 227 - 229.

  98. Koedam D.,M. J. Sommeijer and T. v.d. Krift. (1994) Oviposition in the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula (LATR.) (Apidae; Meliponinae): Oögenesis and laying behaviour of queenright workers. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 230 - 237.

  99. Sommeijer. M.J. (1994) Behavioural aspects of stingless bee reproduction at individual and colony levels. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 241 - 248.

  100. Veen, J.W. van, M.J. Sommeijer, H.G. Arce Arce and T. Aarts (1994) Acceptance of virgin queens and nuptial flight in Melipona beecheii (Hymenoptera; Apidae; Meliponinae). Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Apiculture in Tropical Climates. International Bee Research Association, Trinidad W.I.: 249 - 253.

  101. Aguilar Monge, I, J.W. van Veen and M.J. Sommeijer. 1994. Reproducción en abejas sín aguijón (Apidae, Meliponinae). In: Perspectivas para una apicultura sostenible (Veen, J.W. van and H.G. Arce Arce, Eds.) Memorias del II Cong. Nac. Apicultura, MAG. Emprenta UNA, San José, Costa Rica; 1993.:15 - 19.

  102. Sommeijer, M.J., 1994. De angelloze bijen van de Maya indianen in Burgers' Bush. Zie Zoo Nr. 20: 9; Zie Zoo Nr. 21: 4; Zie Zoo Nr. 22: 6 -7.

  103. 103. Sommeijer, M.J. & J. van der Blom, Editors, 1994. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 5, 203 pp.

  104. Sommeijer, M.J. & D.W. Roubik, 1994. Introduction symposium Behavioural Ecology of Stingless Bees. In: Lenoir, A., G. Arnold & M. Lepage, Eds., Les Insectes Sociaux, Publ. Univ. Paris-N: 17.

  105. Sommeijer, M.J., 1994. Reproduction strategies and feeding ecology of stingless bees in relation to environmental problems. In: Lenoir, A,; G. Arnold & M. Lepage, Eds., Les Insectes Sociaux, Publ. Univ. Paris-N: 19.

  106. Veen, J. van; I. Aguilar & M.J. Sommeijer, 1994. Behaviour of males in the stingless bee Melipona beecheii (Apidae: Meliponinae). In: Lenoir, A., G. Arnold & M. Lepage, Eds., Les Insectes Sociaux, Publ. Univ. Paris-N: 22.

  107. Biesmeijer, J.C.; M.G.L. van Nieuwstadt; E. Toth & M.J. Sommeijer, 1994. Pollen foraging mechanisms of Melipona stingless bees. In: Lenoir, A,; G. Arnold & M. Lepage, Eds., Les Insectes Sociaux, Publ. Univ. Paris-N: 24

  108. Arce Arce H.G. & J.W. van Veen, 1994. Seasonal brooddynamics and foodstorage in Melipona beecheii (Apidae: Meliponinae). In: Lenoir, A., G. Arnold & M. Lepage, Eds., Les Insectes Sociaux, Publ. Univ. Paris-N: 372.

  109. Arce Arce, H.G., J.W. van Veen, M.J. Sommeijer, L.A. Sanchez & J.F. Ramirez, 1994. Aspectos tecnicos y culturales de la crianza de abejas sin aguijón (Apidae: Meliponinae) en Costa Rica. In: Apicultura: Estrategias para el manejo adecaudo de las colmenas (Veen van J.W., H.G. Arce & A. Ortiz Mora, Eds.). Memorias del III Cong. Nac. de Apicultura, MAG. San José, Costa Rica; 1993.: 7-17.

  110. Biesmeijer J.C., M.J. Sommeijer and L.L.M. de Bruijn, 1994. PEGONE, a Newsletter for Stingless Bee Research and Meliponiculture. Utrecht University, Social Insects Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 15 pp.

  111. Sommeijer, M.J. & L.L.M. de Bruijn, 1995. Drone congregations apart from the nest in Melipona favosa. Insectes Sociaux 42 (1): 123-127

  112. Biesmeijer J.C., M.J. Sommeijer and L.L.M. de Bruijn, 1995. PEGONE, a Newsletter for Stingless Bee Research and Meliponiculture. Utrecht University, Social Insects Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 25 pp.

  113. Sommeijer, M.J. & P. Francke, Editors, 1995. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 6, 223 pp.

  114. Ortiz Mora, R.A., J.W. van Veen, G. Corrales & M.J. Sommeijer, 1995. Influence of altitude on the distribution of stingless bees (Hymenoptera Apidae: Meliponinae). APIACTA, 101 - 105.

  115. Koedam, D., I. Aguilar Monge, & M.J. Sommeijer, 1995. Social interactions of gynes and their longevity in queenright colonies of Melipona favosa (Apidae: Meliponinae). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 45 (3-4): 480-494.

  116. Nieuwstad M.G.L. van, Sanchez L. Biesmeijer J.C. & M.J. Sommeijer (1995) Foraging behaviour of stingless bees: are their diets really so diverse? Int. Conf. Tropival bees and the environment, Pedu Lake malaysia p32 (and paper in the proceedings)

  117. Koedam, D., T. Aarts, & M.J. Sommeijer (1995). Queen acceptance in Melipona favosa (Apidae: Meliponinae); Morphological changes and behavioural development of virgin queens. In: Behavioural and physiological implications of queen dominance in stingless bees, p. 83-100. Phd.dissertation, Faculty of Biology, Universiteit Utrecht, D.Koedam

  118. Biesmeijer J.C., Rochter J.A.P., Smeets M.J.A.P. & M.J. Sommeijer (1996) Nectar selection in melipona stingless bees:phyto-ecological, behavioural and physiological backgrounds of differences in nectar concentration. 6th IBRA conf. on tropical bees:management and diversity, San Jose, Costa Rica

  119. Sommeijer, M.J., 1996. A Regional programme for training and research on tropical beekeeping and tropical bees in Costa Rica. Bee World 77 (1): 3-7.

  120. Sommeijer, M.J. & P. Francke, Editors, 1996. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 7, 245 pp.

  121. Francke, P.J., M.G. Siers & M.J. Sommeijer, 1996. Foragingbehaviour of stingless bees and honeybees with respect to three selected plant species on Tobago W.I. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., NEV, Amsterdam, 4: 45 - 50.

  122. Wunderink, M.E. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1996. The ultimate function of the provisioning and oviposition process (POP) in stingless bees: an experimental study. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., NEV, Amsterdam, 4: 51 - 56.

  123. Aguilar, I. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1996. Communication in stingless bees: are the anal substances depositied by Melipona favosa scentmarks? Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., NEV, Amsterdam, 4: 57 - 64.

  124. Koedam, P.H. Velthausz, T.v.d. Krift, M.R. Dohmen and M.J. Sommeijer, 1996. Morphology of reproductive and trophic worker eggs and their controlled release by workers in Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula Illiger (Apidae, Meliponinae). Physiological Entomology 21, 289 - 296.

  125. Bruijn L.L.M. de, and M.J. Sommeijer, 1997. Colony foraging in different species of stingless Bees (Apidae,: Meliponinae) and the regulation of individual nectar foraging. Insectes Sociaux 44: 35 - 47.

  126. Zwakhals C.J. & M.J. Sommeijer, 1997. Het 150-jarige NEV jubileum. Ent. Ber., Amst. 57: 1 - 7.

  127. Esther J. Slaa, Annechien Cevaal and Marinus J. Sommeijer, 1997. Flower constancy of three species of stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponinae) in Costa Rica. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol., NEV, Amsterdam, 8: 79 - 80.

  128. van Veen, M.J. Sommeijer and F. Meeuwsen, 1997. Behaviour of drones in Melipona (Apidae, Meliponinae) Insectes Sociaux 44: 435-447.

  129. Sommeijer, M.J. & P. Francke, Editors, 1997. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 8, 245 pp.

  130. Sommeijer, M.J., et al., Editors, 1997. Perspectives for honey production in the tropics. NECTAR, Utrecht, 214 pp.

  131. Bruijn L.L.M. de, and M.J. Sommeijer, 1997. The composition and properties of honeys of stingless bees (Melipona). In: PERSPECTIVES FOR HONEY PRODUCTION IN THE TROPICS, M.J. Sommeijer et al. Eds., NECTAR, Utrecht. 146 - 168.

  132. Slaa, E.J., M.G.L. van Nieuwstadt, L.W. Pisa and M.J. Sommeijer, 1997. Foraging strategies of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponinae): The relation between precision of recruitment, competition and communication. Proc. Int. Symp. on Pollination, Ed. K.W. Richards, Acta Hort. 437, ISHS: 193-197

  133. Sommeijer, M.J., L.L.M. de Bruijn, F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen and Biesmeijer J.C., 1997. PEGONE, a Newsletter for Stingless Bee Research and Meliponiculture. Utrecht University, Social Insects Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Vol 4, 16 pp.

  134. Sommeijer, M.J., L.L.M. de Bruijn, F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen and Biesmeijer J.C., 1997. PEGONE, a Newsletter for Stingless Bee Research and Meliponiculture. Utrecht University, Social Insects Department, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Vol 5, 10 pp.

  135. Nieuwstadt van, M.G.L., L.A. Sánchez, J.C. Biesmeijer, H. G. Arce, M.J. Sommeijer. (1997). Foraging behaviour of Stingless bees: Are their diets really so diverse? En: M. Mardan et al, eds; Tropical Bees & the Environment. Proceedings of the Congress Tropical Bees and the Environment. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. pp 101-110.

  136. Sommeijer, M.J. & P. Francke, Editors, 1998. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 9, 231 pp.

  137. EJ Slaa, B Ruiz, R. Salas, M Zeiss & MJ Sommeijer (1998) Foraging strategies in stingless bees: flower constancy versus optimal foraging? Proceedings of the section Experimental and Applied Entomology 9, 185-190

  138. Biesmeijer, M.G.L. van Nieuwstadt, S. Lukacs & M.J. Sommeijer. 1998. The role of internal and external information in foraging decisions of Melipona workers (Hymenoptera: Meliponinae) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiology 42: 107 - 116.

  139. Biesmeijer JC & Tóth E. (1998) Individual foraging, activity level and longevity in the stingless bee Melipona beecheii in Costa Rica (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae). Insects Sociaux 45: 427-443.

  140. EJ Slaa, A. Cevaal & MJ Sommeijer (1998) Floral constancy in Trigona stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponinae) foraging on artificial flower patches: A comparative study. Journal of Apicultural Research 37(3), p. 191-198

  141. Sommeijer, T.X. Chinh and F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen. (1999). Behavioural data on the production of males by workers in the stingless bee Melipona favosa (Apidae, Meliponinae) Insectes Soc. 46: 92-93

  142. Sommeijer, M.J. & F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen, Editors, 1999. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 10, 211 pp.

  143. Biesmeijer, JC; M Smeets; JAP Richter and MJ Sommeijer (1999) Nectar foraging by two species of Melipona in Costa Rica: Botanical and climatological influences on sugar concentration of bee-collected nectar, Apidologie 30, p. 43-55

  144. Biesmeijer J.C., M.Smeets, J.A.P. Richter and M.J.Sommeijer (1999). Nectar foraging by two species of Melipona in Costa Rica: Niche differentiation at patch level. Ecol. Entom. 24:380-388.

  145. Biesmeijer, JC; Born M; Lukács S and MJ Sommeijer (1999) The response of M. beecheii experimental pollen stress, worker loss and different levels of information input. Journal of Apicultural Research, 38(1/2), pag. 29-37

  146. Sommeijer, M.J. (1999) Beekeeping with stingless bees: a new type of hive. BEEWORLD 80 (2): 70-79.

  147. Veen, J.W. van, M.J. Sommeijer & I. Anguilar Monge (1999) Behavioural development and abdomen inflation of gynes and newly mated queens of Melipona beecheii (Apidae, Meliponinae), Insectes Sociaux 46, p. 01-05

  148. Sommeijer, M.J., F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen, L.L.M de Bruijn, M. Dijkstra and G. Solomon, 1999. Bee Research on Tobago: The Reproduction of Stingless Bees. In: SECURING THE FUTURE OF CARIBBEAN BEEKEEPING, Pamela Collins and Gladstone Solomon Editors; Proceedings of the First Caribbean Beekeeping Congress, Tobago, W.I., 17-20 November, 1998. P. 126-132.

  149. Sommeijer, M.J., J.D. Kerkvliet, L.L.M de Bruijn, F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen and G. Solomon, 1999. Pollen Analysis of Honey from Tobago (Apis mellifera). Preliminary results. In: SECURING THE FUTURE OF CARIBBEAN BEEKEEPING, Pamela Collins and Gladstone Solomon Editors; Proceedings of the First Caribbean Beekeeping Congress, Tobago, W.I., 17-20 November, 1998. P. 133-136.

  150. E.J.. Slaa, I. van Veen & M.J. Sommeijer (1998) Influence of external factors on flower constancy in two species of stingless bees. Proc. XIII Int. Congress of IUSSI, 446

  151. M.B. Dijkstra, C.J.M. Koenraadt, E.J. Slaa & M.J. Sommeijer (1999) Nest founding attempts by Tetragonisca dorsalis ziegleri Friese and Tetragonisca angustula Illiger (Apidae, Meliponinae). Proc. Exp. Appl. Entomol. 10, 203-208

  152. Sommeijer, M.J. 1999. Sistemas de alimentación en abejas melíferas (Apis mellifera L.). Notas Apícolas Costarricenses, CINAT, Costa Rica (4): 4-7; and (5): 5-8.

  153. Veen J.W. van, M.J. Sommeijer & H.G. Arce (1999) The role of colony development and resource availability in the regulation of queen production in Melipona beecheii (Apidae, Meliponini). In: Colony Reproduction in Stingless Bees, p.79-87. PhD. Dissertation, Faculty of Biology, Utrecht University, J.W. van Veen.

  154. Veen van J.W. & M.J. Sommeijer, 2000. Colony reproduction in Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae, Meliponini). Insectes Sociaux 47: 70-75.

  155. Sommeijer, M.J. & F.J.A.J. Meeuwsen, Editors, 2000. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 11, 197 pp.

  156. Sommeijer, M.J. & A. de Ruijter, Editors, 2000. Insect Pollination in Greenhouses. APIMONDIA and International Commission for Plant Bee Relations, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 219 pp.

  157. Veen J.W. & M.J. Sommeijer (2000) Observations on gynes and drones around nuptial flights in the stingless bees Tetragonisca angustula and Melipona beecheii (Melipona), Apidologie 31: 47-54

  158. Aguilar , I and M.J. Sommeijer (2001) The deposition of anal excretions by Melipona favosa foragers (Apide, Meliponinae) : behavioural observations concerning the location of food sources. Apidologie 32: 37-48

  159. Hofstede F.E., M.E. van Det, J.R.J. van Asperen de Boer, A. Ortiz Mora, and M.J. Sommeijer (2001). A Note on Bombus (Fervidobombus) digressus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Costa Rica, with a description of the queen. Entomologische Berichten 61 (9): 120-125

  160. Arce H.G., L.A. Sanchez, E.J.Slaa, P.E. Sanchez-Vindas, A. Ortiz M., J.W. van Veen & M.J. Sommeijer: (2001). Arboles meliferos ativos de meso America. PRAM-CINAT-UNA-UU, Costa Rica, 208 p.

  161. E.J. Slaa, A. Picado, L.A. Sánchez, M.J. Sommeijer (2000) Floral biology, pollination ecology and seed production of Salvia splendens. Abstract for the 8th International Pollination Symposium, July 10-14, 2000, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary.

  162. L. A Sánchez, A. Picado, M.J. Sommeijer and E.J. Slaa (2002). Floral biology, pollination ecology and seed production of the ornamental plant Salvia splendens Sello. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 77 (4), 498-501.

  163. Chinh, T.X., Grob, G.B.J., Meeuwsen, F.J.A.J. & Sommeijer, M.J. 2003. Patterns of male production in the stingless bee Melipona favosa (Apidae,Meliponini). Apidologie 34 (1-2): 161-170

  164. Sommeijer, M.J., Bruijn, L.L.M. de, Meeuwsen, F.J.A.J & Martens, E.P. 2003. Natural patterns of caste and sex allocation in the stingless bees Melipona favosa and M. trinitatis related to worker behaviour. Insectes Sociaux 50 (1): 38-44.

  165. Sommeijer, M.J., Bruijn, L.L.M. de, Meeuwsen, F.J.A.J. & Slaa E.J. 2003. Reproductive behaviour of stingless bees: nest departures and nuptial flights in Melipona favosa. Entomologische Berichten 63 (1): 7-13

  166. Sommeijer, M.J., Bruijn, L.LM. de & Meeuwsen, F.J.A.J. 2003. Reproductive behaviour of stingless bees: solitary gynes of Melipona favosa (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) can penetrate existing nests. Entomologische Berichten 63 (2): 31-35

  167. Sommeijer, M.J. and Bruijn, L.L.M. de, 2003. Why do workers of Melipona favosa chase their sister-gynes out of the nest? Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 12: 45-48

  168. Robroek, B.J.M., Jong, H. de & Sommeijer, M.J. 2003. The behaviour of the kleptoparasite, of Pseudohypocera kerteszi (Diptera, Phoridae) in hives of stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in Central America. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 12:65-70

  169. Robroek, B.J.M., Jong, H., de, Arce, H.G. & Sommeijer, M.J. 2003. The development of Pseudohypocera kerteszi (Diptera, Phoridae ), a kleptoparasite in nests of stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in Central America? Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology, N.E.V., Amsterdam, Volume 12:. 71-74

  170. Scavenging of free radicals by honeys of different bee species. Bijlsma, L., Zomer, G. & Sommeijer, M.J. 2003. In: Free Radical Research, official journal of the Society for Free Radical Research, 37 (supplement 1): 70

  171. Slaa EJ, Tack AJM & Sommeijer MJ (2003) The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on flower constancy in stingless bees. Apidologie 34: 457-468

  172. Jong, H. de & Sommeijer M.J. (2003) Transferencia de colonias y control de pestes en Melipona beecheii.. III Seminario Mesoamericano sobre Abejas sin Aguijón. Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico 6 – 8 Noviembre del 2003

  173. Calderón R. A.; M. J. Sommeijer; A. de Ruijter; J. W. van Veen (2003) The reproductive ability of Varroa destructor in worker brood of Africanized and hybrid honey bees in Costa Rica. Journal of Apicultural Research 42(4): 65-67.

  174. Sommeijer M.J., de Bruijn, L.L.M. & F.A.J.Meeuwsen (2004). Behaviour of males, gynes and workers at drone congregations sites of the stingless bee Melipona favosa (Apidae: Meliponini). Entomologische Berichten 64 (1): 10-15

  175. Aguilar, I., Steuns, R. & M.J. Sommeijer (2004). Cues and possible signals used to locate the positon of the food source and their value in the recruitment of new bees in Plebeia fica (Apidae: Meliponini). In: Communication and recruitment for the collection of food in stingless bees: a behavioral approach. p 43-61. PhD- diseertation, Utrecht University , Ingrid Aguilar

  176. Aguilar, I., Veen J.W. & M.J. Sommeijer (2004). Cues used by Trigona corvino (Apidae: Meliponini) for the location of artificial food sources: II. Tood odor and scent trails.
    In: Communication and recruitment for the collection of food in stingless bees: a behavioral approach. p 71-83. PhD- dissertation, Utrecht University, Ingrid Aguilar

  177. Chinh. T.X., Sommeijer, M.J., Boot, W.J. & C.D. Michener (2004). Nest-architecture and colony-characteristics of three stingless bees in North Vietnam with the first description of the nest of Lisotrigona carpenteri (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini). In: Reproduction in eusocial bees (Apidae: Apini, Meliponini) p. 26-39 PhD-dissertation, Utrecht University, T.X.Chinh. Submitted to Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society

  178. Chinh. T.X. & M.J.Sommeijer (2004).Seasonal production of sexuals in Trigona (Lepidotrigona) ventralis flavibasis Cockerell (Apidae: Meliponini) in North Vietnam. In: Reproduction in eusocial bees (Apidae: Apini, Meliponini) p. 52-64 PhD-dissertation, Utrecht University, T.X.Chinh. Accepted for publication in Apidologie

  179. Chinh, T.X., Boot, W.J. & M.J.Sommeijer. (2004). Production of sexuals in the honeybee species Apis cerana Fabricius 1793 (Apidae: Apini) in North Vietnam . In: Reproduction in eusocial bees (Apidae: Apini, Meliponini) p. 66-78 PhD-dissertation, Utrecht University, T.X.Chinh. Accepted for publication in Journal of Apicultuiral Research

  180. Chinh, T.X., Boot, W.J. & M.J.Sommeijer. (2004). Reproductive strategies in sympatric species eusocial bees. . In: Reproduction in eusocial bees (Apidae: Apini, Meliponini) p. 80-89 PhD-dissertation, Utrecht University, T.X.Chinh.

  181. Veen, J.W. van, Arce Arce, H.G. & M.J.Sommeijer. (2004). Production of queens and drones in Melipona beecheii (Meliponini) in relation to colony development and resource availability. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V), Amsterdam, Volume 15: 35-39

  182. T. X. Chinh and M. J. Sommeijer. (2005) Production of sexuals in the stingless bee Trigona (Lepidotrigona) ventralis flavibasis Cockerell (Apidae, Meliponini) in northern Vietnam. Apidologie 36: 493-503.

  183. L. Bijlsma, L. L.M. de Bruijn, E. P. Martens and M. J. Sommeijer. (2006). Water content of stingless bee honeys (Apidae, Meliponini): interspecific variation and comparison with honey of Apis mellifera. Apidologie 37: 480-486

  184. F. E. Hofstede and M. J. Sommeijer. (2006). Effect of food availability on individual foraging specialisation in the stingless bee Plebeia tobagoensis (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) Apidologie 37: 387-397.

  185. L. L.M. de Bruijn & M. J. Sommeijer (2006). How the production patterns of sexuals may contribute to genetic variation in Melipona favosa. Proc. Neth. Entomol. Soc. Meet. volume17: 79 - 85.

  186. Hofstede FE, Sommeijer MJ (2006) Effect of food availability on individual foraging specialisation in the stingless bee Plebeia tobagoensis. Article from Apidologie 37: 387-397 available at www.edpsciences.org/apido; © INRA, DIB-AGIB, EDP Sciences DOI10.1051 apido:2006009

  187. Hofstede FE, Sommeijer MJ (2006) Influence of environmental and colony factors on initial commodity choice of foragers of the stingless bee Plebeia tobagoensis (Hymenoptera; Meliponini). Insectes Sociaux 53: (in press)

  188. Hofstede FE, Sommeijer MJ (2006) Effect of experience on foraging performance in the stingless bee Plebeia tobagoensis (Hymenoptera; Meliponini). Journal of Apicultural Research 45 (2): 42-45.

  189. Rooijakkers EF and Sommeijer MJ (2009) Gender Specific Brood Cells in the Solitary Bee Colletes halophilus (Hymenoptera; Colletidae). Journal of Insect Behavior: 22 (6): 492-500, DOI 10.1007/s10905-009-9188-x.

  190. Sommeijer MJ, Rooijakkers EF, Jacobusse Ch & Kerkvliet JD (2009) Larval food composition and food plants of the solitary bee Colletes halophilus(Hymenoptera: Colletidae) Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 48(3): 149-155, DOI 10.3896/IBRA.

  191. Calderón RA, Veen JW van, Sommeijer MJ & Sanchez LA (2009) Reproductive biology of Varroa destructor in Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera). Experimental and Applied Acarology, DOI 10.1007/S10493-009-9325-4

  192. Sommeijer MJ, Neve J, Jacobusse Ch (2012) The typical development cycle of the solitary bee, Colletes halophilus. Entomologische Berichten 72 (1-2): 115-121

  193. Hogendoorn EA, Sommeijer MJ, Vredenbregt MJ, (2013) Alternative method for measuring beeswax content in propolis from the Netherlands, J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 57 No. 2: 95-104

  194. Zwakhals CJ, Sommeijer MJ, Heerebout GR, (2015) De oudste vlindercollectie van Nederland. Entomologische Berichten 75 (3): 105-109

  195. Beukeboom LW, Sommeijer MJ, Boer JG de, (2015) Geslachtsbepaling bij de honingbij. Entomologische Berichten 75 (6): 238-242

  196. Bruijn LLM de, Wunderink ME, Solomon G, Sommeijer MJ (2015) Flexible morphology and task allocation in workers of the stingless bee Frieseomellita paupera (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae). Proc. Neth. Entomol. Soc. (26): 9 –19

  197. Sommeijer MJ (2023) Wat zijn angelloze bijen?. Nectar symposium

  198. Bruijn LLM de, Sommeijer MJ (2023) LA MARIOLA, TINY WORKERS AND A HUGE QUEEN. A film by Lucas L.M. de Bruijn and Marinus J. Sommeijer

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