Tentative Schedule*


21. June

22. June

23. June

24. June

25. June

Morning talks



Biochemistry and metabolic pathways

Manufacturer’s session

Isotope theory and experiments

Coffee break

Morning talks


Geochemistry and planetary atmospheres

Biogeochemical cycles

Forensic, authentication and art sciences

Mass independent fractionation


Poster, Afternoon talks


Poster 1

Poster 2

Poster 3

Atmospheric chemistry and global change

Coffee break

Afternoon talks


Geochemistry and planetary atmospheres

Biogeochemical cycles

Isotope theory and experiments

Atmospheric chemistry and global change




Conference dinner




*Note that the final schedule will depend on the number of abstract received for the different themes.

**The ISI2010 meeting is coupled to a one-day project meeting of the new European Marie Curie project INTRAMIF (INitial TRAining on Mass Independent Fractionation). For interested participants more information is available from the organizing committee.