Natuurkundig Gezelschap te Utrecht

Jaarprogramma 2016-2017 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home

Dinsdag 2 mei 2017
Prof.dr. B. Koopmans (Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology)

Spinnende Elektronen – Spannende Elektronica!

Spintronics provides exciting routes towards advanced nano-electronic devices in which not only the electron charge but also its quantum mechanical spin is being exploited. In my lecture, I will introduce a number of fascinating developments in this field. All of them are based on seemingly subtle effects, which nevertheless turn out to be highly relevant for future devices. As an example, the so-called spin Hall effect describes how –mediated by relativistic spin-orbit coupling– spin up and spin down electrons are deflected oppositely when driven by a current, analogous to the curved trajectory of a spinning soccer ball.  As another example, it has been shown that the magnetic orientation of a thin ferromagnetic film can be switched by a single femtosecond laser pulse using a subtle interplay by laser heating and interatomic exchange interactions. The underlying physics will be discussed in the context of novel device architectures, such a magnetic random access memories, the visionary magnetic racetrack memory, and possibly hybrid magneto-photonic memories.



Jaarprogramma 2016-2017 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home

De vergaderingen worden gehouden in zaal Atlas, op de 1e verdieping van het Victor J. Koningsbergergebouw, De Uithof.
Het Koningsbergergebouw is alleen toegankelijk via de ingang aan de Budapestlaan, niet via (loopbruggen naar) andere gebouwen.
De aanvang is telkens om 20.00 uur, de vergaderingen duren inclusief een pauze tot uiterlijk 22.00 uur.
Voor parkeren kunt u terecht op de parkeerterreinen tegenover het Minnaertgebouw of bij het Wiskundegebouw.