Universiteit Utrecht Faculteit Farmacie

Farmaceutische Analyse

Toets Analyse van Bereidingen 10 augustus 2000

Geef bij elke vraag zonodig een berekening en verklaar altijd het antwoord, ook al wordt dit niet expliciet aangegeven !
Succes !

Raadpleeg bij de beantwoording van deze vragen de bijlage.

Raadpleeg ook de uitwerking van dit tentamen.

Voor elke deelvraag zijn 5 punten te behalen op het totaal van 100.


Vraag 1

In een fabriek wordt een cotrimoxazole suspensie geproduceerd (samenstelling zie bijlage). Na het bereiden wordt de homogeen bevonden bulksuspensie van 100 liter vanuit het voorraadvat uitgevuld in flesjes van 100 ml. Het voorraadvat wordt hiervoor aan de onderkant afgetapt onder voortdurend roeren. Een medewerker meldt echter aan de apotheker dat de roerder mogelijkerwijze niet gewerkt heeft. De apotheker besluit daarop een selecte steekproef te nemen door 3 flesjes uit het begin, 3 uit het midden en 3 uit het eind van de uitgevulde partij te nemen en het gehalte sulfamethoxazol vast te stellen. Per flesje wordt na goed homogeniseren 1 monster onderzocht volgens de Britse farmacopee en 1 volgens de USP.




begin 1



begin 2



begin 3



midden 4



midden 5



midden 6



eind 7



eind 8



eind 9




a. Mag hier een Q-test uitgevoerd worden?

b. Bereken het gemiddelde, de standaarddeviatie en het 99%-betrouwbaarheidsinterval van het gevonden gehalte per monsterplaats.

c. Verschillen de gehaltes per monsterplaats van elkaar (a=0,01)?

d. Verschillen de gehaltes per methode significant van elkaar (a=0,01)?

e. De analist die de gehaltebepaling uitvoert, stelt voor om de hoeveelheid testmateriaal voor de analyse van de BP van 4 gram terug te brengen naar 100 mg. Op deze manier kan een verdunningsstap overgeslagen worden en daarmee wordt een aanzienlijke tijdsbesparing gerealiseerd. Welk effect verwacht u hiervan op de reproduceerbaarheid van de gehaltebepaling? Motiveer uw antwoord.

f. Wordt het vermoeden dat de roerder niet gewerkt heeft gestaafd door de uitkomsten van de analyse?



Vraag 2

Vergelijk van de BP en USP monografie voor cotrimoxazole suspensie (zie bijlage)

a. Waarom wordt bij de gehaltebepaling van de BP gevraagd de dichtheid van de suspensie te meten en bij de USP niet?

b. Welke dichtheid van de suspensie volgt uit het bereidingsvoorschrift (zie bijlage).

c. Bij de opwerking van de USP wordt een neerslag afgecentrifugeerd. Indien alleen de te bepalen stoffen oplossen in het voorgeschreven oplosmiddel, bereken dan wat de systematische fout is uitgedrukt in procenten. Ga voor de dichtheid van het neerslag uit van een waarde van 2. Geef ook aan of het gehalte daardoor te hoog of te laag uitvalt.

d. De volgende dag analyseert een tweede analist de flesjes nogmaals volgens de USP en vindt een gemiddeld gehalte dat significant afwijkt van het gemiddeld gehalte van de eerste analist. De eerste analist heeft echter 10,0 g testoplossing overgebracht in een getarreerde centrifugebuis met stop en vervolgens met stop gecentrifugeerd. De tweede analist heeft 6,0 ml testoplossing in een centrifugebuis zonder stop gepipetteerd en vervolgens gecentrifugeerd. Kunt u het verschil in het gehalte van de eerste en tweede analist verklaren.

e. Geef aan of MOB de BP-gehaltebepaling van trimethoprim zou kunnen storen.

f. Wat is de functie van het ammoniumsulfamaat bij de BP-gehalte bepaling van sulfamethoxazol?



Vraag 3

De suspensie bevat twee verdikkingsmiddelen, carmellose en aluminium magnesiumsilicaat.

a. Hoe verandert de viscositeit van de suspensie indien te veel citroenzuur bij de bereiding toegevoegd zou zijn?

b. U wilt aluminium en magnesium m.b.v. een AAS-bepaling kwalitatief aantonen. Beschrijf hoe u daarbij het monster zou opwerken.



Vraag 4

Hieronder is een afbeelding gegeven van de DLC van de in de USP beschreven test "limit of sulfanilamide, sulfanilic acid and sulfamethoxazole N4-glucoside". Enkele gegevens van deze onzuiverheden zijn aangegeven in de bijlage.

a. In het loopmiddel is azijnzuur toegevoegd. Kunt u aangeven wat de functie van het azijnzuur is en kunt u aangeven hoe het chromatografisch gedrag van deze stoffen wordt beïnvloed indien het azijnzuur weggelaten zou worden?

b. De USP geeft aan dat de Rf-waarden van sulfamethoxazol en de genoemde verontreinigingen in opklimmende volgorde 0,1; 0,25; 0,55; en 0,85 bedragen. Geef op grond van de structuur aan welke verbinding bij welke Rf-waarde hoort. Gegeven is dat de Rf-waarde van het glucoside 0,25 bedraagt .

c. Teken het vlekkenpatroon van de opgebrachte oplossingen indien een met octadecylgroepen gemodificeerd silicagel DLC systeem zou zijn toegepast met een aangezuurd methanol/water systeem als loopmiddel.

d. Zijn de te chromatograferen oplossingen op een geschikte plaats opgebracht? Licht uw antwoord toe.

e. Een van de vlekken op de DLC is afgeplat. Welk chromatografisch effect is hiervoor waarschijnlijk verantwoordelijk?

f. U wilt dit DLC-systeem gebruiken om de identiteit van sulfamethoxazol vast te stellen. Welke wijziging(en) voert u door om het systeem hiervoor geschikt te maken?



Cotrimoxazol suspensie

per ml

per 100 liter
















Carmellose natrium





Aluminium magnesiumsilicaat





Glucose watervrij





Citroenzuur 1-water





Water, gezuiverd







Dosering voor volwassene:
160 mg trimethoprim, 800 mg sulfamethoxazol, 2x per dag


Sulfamethoxazol N4-glucoside

pKa ca. 5.5


C10H11N3O3S = 253.3

pKa1 ca. 2.5

pKa2 5.6


Sulfamethoxazole contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 101.0 per cent of 4-amino-N-(5-methyl-3-isoxazolyl)benzenesulphonamide, calculated with reference to the dried substance.


A white or almost white, crystalline powder, practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in acetone, sparingly soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in ether. It dissolves in dilute solutions of sodium hydroxide.


C6H8N2O2S =172.2

pKa1 3.2

pKa2 10.4


C6H7NO3S = 173.8

pKa1 < 1

pKa2 2.5


C14H18N4O3 = 290.3

pKa 7.2


Trimethoprim contains not less than 98.5 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 101.0 per cent of 5-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzyl)pyrimidine-2,4-diamine, calculated with reference to the dried substance.


A white or yellowish-white powder, very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol.


C8H8O3 = 152.1

pKa = 8.4

A(1%,1cm) 1075, 257 nm in ethanol


Methyl parahydroxybenzoate contains not less than 99.0 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 100.5 per cent of methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate.


A white, crystalline powder or colourless crystals, very slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and in methanol.

Aluminium magnesium silicate

Aluminii magnesii silicas


Aluminium magnesium silicate is a mixture of particles with colloidal particle size of montmorillonite and saponite, free from grit and nonswellable ore. It contains not less than 95.0 per cent and not more than 105.0 per cent of the amount of aluminium and magnesium stated on the label.


Almost white powder or plates, practically insoluble in water, mineral acids and in organic solvents.

It swells in water to produce a colloidal dispersion.


A.Fuse 1 g with 2 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate R. Warm the residue with water R and filter. Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid R and evaporate to dryness on a water-bath. 0.25 g of the residue gives the reaction of silicates (2.3.1).

B.Dissolve the remainder of the residue obtained in identification test A in a mixture of 5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid R and 10 ml of water R. Filter and add ammonium chloride buffer solution pH 10.0 R. A white, gelatinous precipitate is formed. Centrifuge, keep the supernatant for identification C. Dissolve the remaining precipitate in dilute hydrochloric acid R. The solution gives the reaction of aluminium (2.3.1).

C.The supernatant liquid obtained after centrifugation in identification test B gives the reaction of magnesium (2.3.1).

Carmellose sodium

Carmellosum natricum


Carmellose sodium (carboxymethylcellulose sodium) is the sodium salt of a partly O-carboxymethylated cellulose. It contains not less than 6.5 per cent and not more than 10.8 per cent of sodium (Na), calculated with reference to the dried substance.


A white or almost white, granular powder, hygroscopic after drying, practically insoluble in acetone, in ethanol, in ether and in toluene. It is easily dispersed in water giving colloidal solutions.

Glucose, anhydrous

Glucosum anhydricum

C6H12O6 = 180.2


Anhydrous glucose is D-(+)-glucopyranose.


A white, crystalline powder, with a sweet taste, freely soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Acidum citricum monohydricum


C6H8O7,H2O = 210.1


Citric acid monohydrate contains not less than 99.5 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 101.0 per cent of 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid, calculated with reference to the anhydrous substance.


A white, crystalline powder, colourless crystals or granules, efflorescent, very soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol, sparingly soluble in ether.

Co-trimoxazole Oral Suspension BP 2000

General Notices

Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole Oral Suspension

Definition Co-trimoxazole Oral Suspension is a suspension containing 1.6% w/v of Trimethoprim and 8.0% w/v of Sulfamethoxazole in a suitable flavoured vehicle.

The oral suspension complies with the requirements stated under Oral Liquids and with the following requirements.

Content of trimethoprim, C14H18N4O3 1.44 to 1.76% w/v.

Content of sulfamethoxazole, C10H11N3O3S 7.40 to 8.60% w/v.

Identification A. To a quantity containing 50 mg of Trimethoprim add 30 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide and extract with four 50-ml quantities of chloroform . Wash the combined extracts with two 10-ml quantities of 0.1M sodium hydroxide and extract with two 50-ml quantities of chloroform . Wash the combined chloroform extracts with two 10-ml quantities of 0.1M sodium hydroxide and then with 10 ml of water . Shake with 5 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate , filter and evaporate to dryness using a rotary evaporator. The infrared absorption spectrum of the residue, Appendix II A , is concordant with the reference spectrum of trimethoprim .

B. Carry out the method for thin-layer chromatography, Appendix III A , using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of 100 volumes of chloroform , 10 volumes of methanol and 5 volumes of dimethylformamide as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 5 ml of each of the following solutions. For solution (1) add 20 ml of methanol to 5 ml of the oral suspension, mix, shake with 10 g of anhydrous sodium sulphate , centrifuge and use the supernatant liquid. Solution (2) contains 2.0% w/v of sulfamethoxazole BPCRS in methanol . Solution (3) contains 0.4% w/v of trimethoprim BPCRS in methanol . After removal of the plate, allow it to dry in air and spray with dilute potassium iodobismuthate solution . One of the principal spots in the chromatogram obtained with solution (1) corresponds to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with solution (2) and the other corresponds to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with solution (3).

Acidity pH, 5.0 to 6.5, Appendix V L .


For trimethoprim Extract the chloroform solution reserved in the Assay for sulfamethoxazole with four 50-ml quantities of 1M acetic acid . Wash the combined extracts with 5 ml of chloroform and dilute the aqueous extracts to 250 ml with 1M acetic acid . To 10 ml of this solution add 10 ml of 1M acetic acid and sufficient water to produce 100 ml and measure the absorbance of the resulting solution at the maximum at 271 nm, Appendix II B . Calculate the content of C14H18N4O3 taking 204 as the value of A(1%, 1 cm) at the maximum at 271 nm. Using the weight per ml of the oral suspension, calculate the content of C14H18N4O3 , weight in volume.

For sulfamethoxazole To 4 g of the oral suspension add 30 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide , shake and extract with four 50-ml quantities of chloroform , washing each extract with the same two 10-ml quantities of 0.1M sodium hydroxide . Reserve the combined chloroform extracts for the Assay for trimethoprim. Dilute the combined aqueous solution and washings to 250 ml with water , filter and dilute 5 ml of the filtrate to 200 ml with water (solution A). Carry out the following procedure protected from light using 2 ml of solution A. Add 0.5 ml of 4M hydrochloric acid and 1 ml of a 0.1% w/v solution of sodium nitrite and allow to stand for 2 minutes. Add 1 ml of a 0.5% w/v solution of ammonium sulphamate and allow to stand for 3 minutes. Add 1 ml of a 0.1% w/v solution of N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Dilute the resulting solution to 25 ml with water and measure the absorbance at 538 nm, Appendix II B , using in the reference cell a solution prepared in the same manner but using 2 ml of water in place of solution A. Dissolve 0.25 g of sulfamethoxazole BPCRS in 50 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide and dilute to 250 ml with water . Dilute 5 ml of the resulting solution to 200 ml with water (solution B). Repeat the procedure using 2 ml of solution B and beginning at the words 'Add 0.5 ml of...'. Calculate the content of C10H11N3O3 S from the values of the absorbances obtained. Determine the weight per ml of the oral suspension, Appendix V G , and calculate the content of C10H11N3O3 S, weight in volume.

Storage Co-trimoxazole Oral Suspension should be protected from light and stored at a temperature not exceeding 30�.

Co-trimoxazole Oral Suspension contains, in 5 ml, 80 mg of Trimethoprim and 400 mg of Sulfamethoxazole.




Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Oral Suspension  USP

Pharmacy Equivalent Name: Co-trimoxazole Oral Suspension

Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim Oral Suspension contains not less than 90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 percent of the labeled amounts of sulfamethoxazole (C10H11N3O3S) and trimethoprim (C14H18N4O3)

Packaging and storage-Preserve in tight, light-resistant containers.

USP Reference standards <11> - USP Trimethoprim RS. USP Sulfamethoxazole RS. USP Sulfamethoxazole N4-glucoside RS. USP SulfanilamideRS. USP Sulfanilic Acid RS.

pH <791>: between 5.0 and 6.5.

Chromatographic purity-


Test preparation-Transfer an accurately measured volume of Oral Suspension, equivalent to about 40 mg of trimethoprim,to a separatory funnel. Extract with three 25-mL portions of a mixture of chloroform and methanol (8:2), collecting the extracts in a 125-mL conical flask. Evaporate the combined extracts to dryness on a steam bath with the aid of a current of air. Dissolve the residue in 2.0 mL of the mixture of chloroform and methanol (8:2), then centrifuge.

Standard preparation A-Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Trimethoprim RS in a mixture of chloroform and methanol (8:2) to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 20 mg per mL.

Standard preparation B-Dilute an accurately measured volume of Standard preparation A with a mixture of chloroform and methanol (8:2) to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 0.1 mg per mL.

Procedure-Apply 5 mL each of the Test preparation. Standard preparation A, and Standard preparation B to separate points on a thin-layer chromatographic plate (see Chromatography <621>) coated with a 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel. Place the plate in a saturated chromatographic chamber, and develop the chromatogram in a solvent system consisting of a mixture of chloroform, methanol, and ammonium hydroxide (80:20:3) until the solvent front has moved at least 15 cm. Remove the plate from the chamber, air-dry, and view under shortwavelength ultraviolet light: trimethoprim produces a spot at about Rf 0.7, and the trimethoprim degradation product can be seen at Rf 0.3 to 0.5. Any spot from the Test preparation at about Rf. 0.3 to 0.5 is not greater in size and intensity than the spot produced by Standard preparation B at about Rf 0.7, corresponding to not more than 0.5%.


Alcohol-methanol mixture-Mix dehydrated alcohol and methanol (95:5).

Modified Ehrlich's reagent-Dissolve 100 mg of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 1 mL of hydrochloric acid, and dilute with alcohol to 100 mL.

Test preparation-Using a syringe, transfer an accurately measured volume of Oral Suspension, equivalent to 200 mg of sulfamethoxazole, to a 100-mL volumetric flask containing 10 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and add 50 mL of methanol. Shake for 3 minutes, and dilute with methanol to volume. Centrifuge a portion of the solution for 3 minutes.

Standard preparation A-Weigh 20 mg of USP Sulfamethoxazole RS into a 10-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 1 mL of ammonium hydroxide, dilute with methanol to volume, and mix.

Standard preparation B-Weigh 10 mg of USP Sulfanilamide RS into a 50-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 5 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with methanol to volume. Pipet 5 mL of this solution into a 100-mL volumetric flask, add 10 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with methanol to volume.

Standard preparation C-Weigh 10 mg of USP Sulfanilic Acid RS into a 50-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 5 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with methanol to volume. Pipet 3 mL of this solution into a 100-mL volumetric flask, add 10 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with methanol to volume.

Standard preparation D- Weigh 3.0 mg of USP Sulfamethoxazole N4-glucoside RS into a 50-mL volumetric flask, dissolve in 5 mL of ammonium hydroxide, and dilute with methanol to volume.

Procedure-Apply 50 mL each of the Test preparation and Standard preparations A, B, C, and D to separate points on a thin-layer chromatographic plate (see Chromatography <621>) coated with 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel. Place the plate in an unsaturated chromatographic chamber, and develop the chromatogram in a solvent system consisting of a mixture of Alcohol-methanol mixture, heptane, chloroform, and glacial acetic acid (25:25:25:7) until the solvent front has moved at least 12 cm. Remove the plate from the developing chamber, air-dry, spray with Modified Ehrlich's reagent, and allow the plate to stand for 15 minutes: Any spots from the Test preparation are not greater in size and intensity than spots produced by Standard preparations B, C, and D, respectively, corresponding to not more than 0.5% of sulfanilamide, 0.3% of sulfanilic acid, and 3.0% of sulfamethoxazole N4-glucoside.

Alcohol content. Method II <611>: not more than 0.5% of C2H5OH.


Mobile phase-Mix 1400 mL of water, 400 mL of acetonitrile, and 2.0 mL of triethylamine in a 2000-mL volumetric flask. Allow to equilibrate to room temperature, and adjust with 0.2 N sodium hydroxide or dilute glacial acetic acid (1 in 100) to a pH of 5.9 � 0.1. Dilute with water to volume, and Filter through a 0.45-mm membrane, making adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability under Chromatography <621>).

Standard preparation-Dissolve accurately weighed quantities of USP Trimethoprim RS and USP Sulfamethoxazole RS in methanol, and dilute quantitatively with methanol to obtain a solution containing, in each mL, about 0.32 mg and 0.32J mg, respectively, J being the ratio of the labeled amount, in mg, of sulfamethoxazole to the labeled amount, in mg, of trimethoprim in the dosage form. Transfer 5.0 mL of this solution to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Mobile phase to volume, and mix to obtain a Standard preparation having known concentrations of about 0.032 mg of USP Trimethoprim RS per mL and 0.032J mg of USP Sulfamethoxazole RS per mL.

Assay preparation-Transfer an accurately measured volume of Oral Suspension, equivalent to about 80 mg of Sulfamethoxazole, to a 50-mL volumetric flask with the aid of about 30 mL of methanol. Sonicate the mixture for about 10 minutes with occasional shaking. Allow to equilibrate to room temperature, dilute with methanol to volume, mix, and centrifuge. Transfer 5.0 mL of the supernatant liquid to a second 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute with Mobile phase to volume, mix, and Filter.

Chromatographic system (see Chromatography <621>)-The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 254-nm detector and a 3.9-mm x 30-cm column that contains packing L1. The flow rate is about 2 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Standard preparation, and record the peak responses as directed under Procedure: the resolution, R, between sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim is not less than 5.0, and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%. Relative retention times are 1.0 for trimethoprim and 1.8 for sulfamethoxazole.

Procedure-Separately inject equal volumes (about 20 mL) of the Standard preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantities, in mg, of trimethoprim (C14H18N4O3) and sulfamethoxazole (C10H11N3O3S) in each mL of the Oral Suspension taken by the formula:

( 500 C / V ) ( rU / rS ),

in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of the appropriate Reference Standard in the Standard preparation, V is the volume, in mL, of Oral Suspension taken, and rU and rS are the responses of the corresponding analyte obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard preparation, respectively.


Farmaceutische Analyse 5e-jaar |

10 augustus 2000

Staf Farmaceutische Analyse 5e-jaar