Jaarprogramma 2010-2011 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home
Dinsdag 1 maart 2011
Dr. M. Leunissen (AMOLF)
Strong control through weak bonds: steering the self-organization of soft systems
The past decade has seen a dramatic advancement in the programmability of interactions between micro- and nanoparticles through the use of designer DNA 'sticky ends'. Sticky ends with complementary nucleotide sequences -according to the Watson-Crick base pairing rules- form weak, non-covalent links between the particles, which are highly specific and thermally reversible. In addition, one can easily vary the length and flexibility of these bonds. In this presentation, I will highlight the unique properties of such specific ('ligand-receptor-like') interactions and I will sketch the exciting new opportunities that these interactions offer for the creation of microstructured and biologically inspired self-organizing materials with special properties.
Jaarprogramma 2010-2011 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home