Natuurkundig Gezelschap te Utrecht

Jaarprogramma 2007-2008 | Vorige lezing | Volgende lezing | Home

Dinsdag 5 februari 2008 (samen met de Minnaert-kring)
prof.dr. A. Achúcarro (Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Universiteit Leiden)

Cosmology with strings attached

The last decade has seen the consolidation of a Standard Cosmological Model in which our Universe is largely composed of as yet undiscovered forms of “dark” matter and energy and is expanding at an accelerated rate. There are also indications of a much earlier period of exponential expansion, inflation, in which the Universe would have stretched from quantum size to its current extension in a fraction of a second. But how or why this happened is unclear; or indeed whether it happened at all.

Theoretical and high energy physicists are striving to find a unified description of these cosmological phenomena with the elementary particles and forces that we see today. I will discuss some recent attempts, including those coming from superstring theory.


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De vergaderingen worden gehouden in de grote collegezaal van het Gebouw voor Aardwetenschappen, De Uithof (te bereiken via de ingang van het Buys Ballotlaboratorium, Princetonplein 5). De aanvang is telkens om 20.00 uur, de vergaderingen duren inclusief een pauze tot uiterlijk 22.00 uur.