Natuurkundig Gezelschap te Utrecht

Jaarprogramma 2006-2007 | Home

Dinsdag 3 april 2007 M.A. Viergever (Image Sciences Institute, UMC/UU)

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis for Medical Research, Diagnosis and Intervention

The research program of the Image Sciences Institute in Utrecht comprises a broad spectrum of medical imaging topics ranging from system and method development to diagnostic and interventional clinical applications. The presence of a large group of medical physics and image analysis researchers in an environment of clinical research in disciplines like radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, and a variety of surgical specialties provides a wealth of opportunities for interdisciplinary projects.

In the talk, an overview of the pattern recognition and image analysis research of the Institute will be given, with an emphasis on recently completed and ongoing PhD student projects. Topics to be discussed include Small Animal SPECT and MR Imaging, Multispectral MR Image Analysis in Neurology, Image-Guided Orthopaedic Surgery, MR-Guided Local Nuclear Therapy, Interpatient Registration and Analysis in Clinical Neuroimaging, and Automatic Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Digital Fundus Photographs.


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De vergaderingen worden gehouden in de grote collegezaal van het Gebouw voor Aardwetenschappen, De Uithof (te bereiken via de ingang van het Buys Ballotlaboratorium, Princetonplein 5). De aanvang is telkens om 20.00 uur, de vergaderingen duren inclusief een pauze tot uiterlijk 22.00 uur.