Jaarprogramma 2005-2006 | Home
Dinsdag 7 februari 2006
prof. dr. N. Lopes Cardoso (FOM-instituut, Rijnhuizen)
ITER, putting fusion to the test
The world has embarked on the construction of ITER, the fusion test reactor that
will demonstrate 10-fold power amplification during pulses of 10-30 minutes, at
a power level of 500 MW or more. ITER is a truly worldwide collaboration, with
participation from Europe, China, Japan, S-Korea, the Russian federation and the
USA, with a.o. India and Brazil preparing to enter. It is among the largest
scientific projects and surely the most truly international.
ITER itself is a major scientific and technological challenge, and once
operational, ITER will be a great opportunity for research.
The talk places ITER and fusion energy in the context of the world energy
demand, the urgency of the need for transition to sustainable energy supply. I
will briefly review the major advances in fusion that led to ITER, and will give
an outlook on the physics that ITER will bring within reach.
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